FamiKit Articles

5 Ways to Track Your Lost Xiaomi or Redmi Phone

Lost something can be stressful, especially get our smartphone lost or stolen. Since it costs lots of money to buy a new one. What's worse, smartphone saves massive personal data and information, we may lost these important data and precious memory after we lost the phone. If you lost your Xiaomi or Redmi phone unfortunately, don't panic. At least you can try these methods below, which may help you find the device back very soon if you are lucky enough.

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Comment configurer votre Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra à l'avance en cas de perte

Le nouveau Samsung Galaxy S21 est sorti aux côtés de ses modèles Plus et Ultra, si vous venez d'acheter un nouveau Samsung Galaxy S21/S21 Plus/S21 Ultra pour vous ou votre famille, il est sage de le configurer à l'avance au cas où vous le quitteriez. quelque part ou se faire voler. Vous pouvez localiser l'appareil perdu, puis après l'avoir configuré, vous pouvez au moins effacer l'appareil à distance afin que les autres ne puissent pas voir vos données personnelles même s'ils les ont. Voyons maintenant comment effectuer certains réglages pour éviter que votre appareil ne soit perdu ou volé.

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Setup Your Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra in Case of Loss

The new Samsung Galaxy S21 has been released alongside its Plus and Ultra models, if you just bought a new Samsung Galaxy S21/S21 Plus/S21 Ultra for yourself or your family, it's wise to set it up in advance in case that you left it somewhere or get it stolen. You can locate the lost device then after set it up, at least you can erase the device remotely so that others cannot see your personal data even if they have it. So now let's see how to do some settings to prevent your device from getting lost or stolen.

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Best Child GPS Tracker to Find Android Location in 2021

If your kids are old enough to get a smartphone then they might be old enough to hang out by themselves. Of course you can call them at any time to know where they are, but this is not always the truth. Is there any way to track Android device? Absolutely yes! Among the various Android GPS tracker, we’ve compiled the top 5 in terms of features and performance.

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5 Methods to Locate Your Lost Samsung Galaxy S21

The new Samsung Galaxy S21 is beautiful, if you like the new Samsung flagship and buy a new one, you may always keep it besides you. However, it can happen in the blink of an eye, you get the new phone lost or stolen outside by accident, you might be stressful. The good news is, there are some methods you can try to locate the lost/stolen Samsung Galaxy S21.

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Top-Apps zur Verfolgung des Echtzeitstandorts Ihres Kindes

Kinderen zijn zo actief dat ze altijd graag buiten spelen. Als ouder weet ik dat het niet gemakkelijk is om je kind altijd in de gaten te houden wanneer hij / zij mee uit gaat, laat staan wanneer ze op school of in een kamp zijn. Dus als uw kinderen niet aan uw zijde staan of als u geen tijd heeft om u op hen te concentreren, hoe kunt u dan hun realtime locatie weten om er zeker van te zijn dat ze zich in de veilige zone bevinden? Als het een nachtmerrie voor u is geweest, is dit artikel hier om u de beste apps voor te stellen om de realtime locatie van uw kind te volgen en te weten waar hij / zij de afgelopen uren is geweest.

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Track Kid's Samsung Galaxy S21/S21 Ultra Live Location

Caring about our kids and knowing their whereabouts can be rather challenging for us with busy schedules. You might be worried that your kids may be lost somewhere or get into unexpected trouble. Anyway, we can't protect our kids without knowing their real-time location. For parents who want to keep peace of mind when their kids are not around them, location tracking apps can be really sanity-saver. Since Samsung devices are quite popular among young teenagers, in this article we will show you 4 ways to track kid's Samsung Galaxy S21/S21 Ultra live location.

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Top Apps to Track Your Kid's Real-time Location

Kids are so active that they always like playing outside. As a parent, I know it's not easy to always keep a eye on your kid when took him/her out, let alone when they are at school or on a camp. So when your kids are not by your side or you have no time to focus on them, how could you know their real-time location to make sure they are in the safe zone? If it has been a nightmare for you, this article is here to introduce you the best apps to track your kid's real-time location and know where he/she has been in the past hours.

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How to Track and Locate Lost iPhone 12 and Android?

Apple just introduced its newest flagship iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini on October 13, 2020 which offer powerful features at an affordable price tag. Still there are people who prefer to use Android. No matter for iOS or Android users, it is definitely a big headache when their devices get lost. So in this article, we are going to compile several useful ways to track and locate lost iPhone 12 and Android for you.

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4 Ways to Track and Locate Lost Samsung Galaxy S20

There exist a plenty of solutions to track and locate lost Samsung Galaxy S20, but most of us might only realize it when devices get lost. Well, that must be too late then. This article is going to show you 4 ways to track and locate your lost Samsung Galaxy S20. Also, you’ll find out how to freely backup your Samsung device so that you don’t have to worry about the data loss.

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Top 6 Android Apps to Track Kid's Location

As a parent, it is normal to worry about your kids when they are not around. You may wonder where your kids go after school. Or you may be skeptical about the places they visited. And that's why GPS tracking for kids is prevalent nowadays. In light of the fact that kids rely heavily on smartphones compared with smartwatches, we've compiled top 6 Android apps to track kid's location.

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How to Set up Geofencing for Kids on Android?

Being a parent, it’s barely possible for us to keep an eye on them all the time. So it would be great helpful if there is a geofencing program installed on kids’ phone to get them under surveillance. In this article, you are going to acquire two ways to set up geofencing for kids on Android.

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